Babies and Brunch/Meals 4 Mommas/Delivering Hope
MARCH 2020 - Present
Babies and Brunch Project/Meals 4 Mommas/Delivering Hope
March, 2021-Ongoing
Goal: To purchase healthy fresh and shelf-stable foods to provide a month worth of groceries for families isolated due to disability, economic hardship, domestic violence and pandemic restrictions.
How: Programming includes systemic change through coalition-building and advocacy; education/awareness campaigns; reducing social isolation; and food/PPE distribution during the pandemic crisis. NEOBHC stepped-up to fill a gap in food access when Ohio’s schools were closed in March 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. Hearing from families who could not get to food distribution sites within Cleveland Municipal School District and neighboring communities, NEOBHC in real-time created the Babies & Brunch program to deliver 5 days a week of breakfasts and lunches to families isolated due to disability, whose children would go hungry without their daily meals at school. This gap-stop has sustained due to the commitment of volunteers, donors, and community partnership. The program has now expanded to include isolated and underserved Black and Brown pregnant women, who are at higher risk for pregnancy complications and infant mortality. NEOBHC has expanded food access to families who could not access school-based *and* food bank distributions (the food bank does not deliver to non-elderly).
This volunteer led food delivery effort has provided 90,000 meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks) to families that are most in need since March. The families receive a monthly supply of provisions including face-masks, soap, tissue and hand sanitizer. The provision includes a menu for each day that provides the supplements children need for proper brain growth and development.
The following are the texts from Babies and Brunch participants after receiving their bags
Thanks so much for this food.. What a blessing! I am very greatful for what you guys have done for my children during this school shutdown days! I pray that each of you will be blessed so much your cups can't be big enough to hold! God's love to you all!
I want you to know that y'all have really helped me and my kids. I don't have a car and I lost my job recently. My kids are so happy when you guys come.
Thank you so much, I don't know what I've would of had did without your help. You have blessed my kids in a way that god showed me you are a real angel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Amen. Praying you will continue to be blessed!
Yes y'all showed out thank you so much
Thank u so much we are truly blessed
Good afternoon, my name is ---- and my daughter --- signed up for your program. My heart have been heavy due to the fact my dad passed and trying to make arrangements. But today I am not experiencing a not so heavy heart because when I came home I saw the generosity of your organization. I know there is a God because He proved to me that there are people like yourself that truly care no matter who that person is you are helping. No, you don't know my story, but I can let you know that you brought tears to my eyes today. I am forever grateful for what you do to those in need. If I can be of any assistance in volunteering or prayers I'm here. Again thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you if it wasn't for you , and your team I wouldn't b able to feed my four kids right now.
I'm Eternally grateful for all of you quys!!!!!!!! Thank you a billion times plus more

Midnight Meals with a Message
Matthew 25:35
For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in.
Numerous studies have shown the link between violence and hunger. Together we can combat hunger in our communities.

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