Devaluing of Black Bodies, Minds and Souls in the Healthcare System
“I put forth, and I maintain: If I was white, I wouldn’t have to go through that.” Words asserted by
Dr. Susan Moore ring out to all of us in an interview with Democracy Now December 30 2020
with host Amy Goodman. The article posted as “Say Her Name: Dr Susan Moore, MD” offers a
chilling account of her experience of inhumane treatment at the hands of her peers denying
access to comprehensive care for COVID treatment. How many other names should we be
calling and how many other lives need to be lost before we realize that in addition to COVID 19,
racism is the number one health crisis in America? Such inhumane treatment illustrates what
can be characterized as intentional and often interconnected efforts toward the devaluing of
black bodies, minds, and souls in a health care system rooted in racism. Re-establishing the
value, worth and importance of Black American lives in health care is then essential to
combating such racism.
The Anti-Racism Committee of the Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition is a committee
consisting of public, private, and community members working collaboratively by examining,
addressing and facilitating and cultural proficiency in health care systems to eliminate the
effects of systemic racism that Black Americans experience. The Anti-Racism Committee was
created because of the historic mistrust against health care systems in America that exists
among Black Americans and believes that leveraging an accurate understanding of mistrust will
create an opportunity to address cultural differences for real solutions to achieve health equity.
Dr Moore’s story has exposed that race is the defining factor as to how Black Americans are
treated in health care without regard to education level, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual
orientation or religion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Black Americans yet again find
themselves expendable. Yet, several historical examples exist of such mistreatment of Black
Americans by the health care system-the gynecologic experimentation of enslaved Black
women by J Marion Sims or the Tuskegee Airmen denied access to medication to cure syphilis
or ignoring informed consent from Henrietta Lacks for the use of her human cells for research.
Racism is deeply ingrained in the medical culture in America often fueled by myths and
stereotypes fostered by the very system designed to help those that are victimized. Black
Americans regularly recognize the necessity to deflect a constant barrage of subtle and overt
myths and stereotypes erroneously cast upon their personhood. The medical and psychological
literature has described in the black patient/white doctor encounter that the negative perception
of Black Americans is not always self-actualized. In many healthcare system settings, white
professional anxiety is often projected onto black patients as the latter attempt to navigate a
multi-sensory assault on their very dignity. Situational anxiety and often unjustified levels of
hostility targeted toward Black patients increases the anxiety they experience. Additional
examples of poor quality experiences in health care encounters include the misperception that
Black Americans have higher pain thresholds. As a consequence, Blacks have to work harder
to convince medical staff of the validity of their health concerns regarding pain. This is seen
repeatedly among patients at high risk for pain such as those suffering with sickle cell disease.
Such overt and implicit biases often held by non-Black health care professionals toward Black
patients impair health care. During the COVID pandemic, these are simply a few pre-existing
comorbid conditions that exist for Black Americans that are not disclosed as often as diabetes or
The Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition is a social justice organization created to address the
impact of racism on African American disparities including policy inequities, historical trauma,
food insecurity, research, behavioral health and addiction services by working to empower,
educate and advocate for health equity in under-served communities. The Anti Racism
Committee of The Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition hopes to improve the Black American
experience utilizing cultural proficiency in health care systems.
Black Americans do not have the means to create their own separate health care treatment
system and should not have to as tax paying citizens. The health care system has a
responsibility to create an environment where all bodies minds and souls are treated with equal
This is a call to action. Join us as we move beyond conversation and towards effecting
Dawn Pulin MA Ed BSN LPC is the Director of Behavioral Health and Addiction and the Chair of
the Anti-Racism Committee for The Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition